While touring the capital building we suckered into getting a lung test done on us for COPD week. We had to take a test in which we blew all the air out of our lungs until we felt like we were going to pass out and then suck it back in really fast. We had to do this on a machine. Her instructions were, "Blow into this tube until your face turns purple".... I was a little nervous.
Test Results:
Josh- Best reading she has had all day, cannot believe the strength of his lungs! Seriously could not stop talking about it.
Melissa- Lungs were functioning well, average numbers... ( She was so not impressed)
I am going to set up the picture below:
BEAR LADY ( Lady with camera)- Been here since 8 AM trying to get the perfect shot of a bear. At this point it is 4:40 PM and still no sighting.
LOG LADY( Lady on log)- Crossed the river into "bear territory" to take some pictures of the fish in the river. Has no idea that she has just destroyed someones hopes and dreams.
Josh- Innocent Bystander
Camera Lady is furious that the log lady crosses the river into bear territory. She starts walky-talky-ing (walky talky shown in picture below on right hip) her friend from across the river just bashing the log lady. Literally cannot believe it, you would have thought the world was coming to an end.
I am telling you, those "bear people" are a weired crowd of people.
We bear hunted for about 1 1/2 hours and then decided that the bear was not coming. We were not going to tell the Bear lady this. She would be crushed!
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