Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ants in our Pants

Literally..... Ants in our Pants.

Recently, our home has been invaded by ants. I first found them in the bathroom and so I decided to run out and buys some Raid thinking that they would vanish. Oh boy was I wrong. We now have ants invading ever corner in our house. Our poor neighbors below us have them real bad and they some how have come up through the pipes into our house.
I have tried EVERY method of killing the little fellows.
I have set up traps so that they will take the bait back to the mother load ... Failure
I have tried using spray that requires you to leave your house all day... Failure
I have tried pouring contact solution onto a nilla wafer (supposedly kills them)... Failure
(This method just made them multiply by the dozens and congregate to my house.)
Tried smashing them with my foot whenever I see one... Temporally works, but mostly fails
So last night I was picking up some of Josh's sweat pants in the closet, low and behold, ants were all over his pants!
Needless to say, we have ants in our pants!


Valerie said...

WHOA you have been MIA forever ha ha ha. Ugh sorry about the ants, that sucks and I am sure it's driving you nuts! I hope you guys can figure out a way to kill them soon! By the way, isn't Heather and Jordan's little Beck just the cutest. Fun fun!

lilbird and Junior said...

Oh my gosh! Don't want to jinx myself but way glad it's not me. :)

Jordan and Heather Hart said...

EW! Get those creeper ants out of your house and especially out of pants. I'm glad you posted again. I missed hearing stories from you.

Brooke Boren said...

yuck yuck yuck! I miss you though, we need another hang out night soon!