THIS kind of
Fanny Attack!!!
(Josh is still trying to convince me that fanny packs are coming back in style)
We are stepping up our fitness this month as we embark on a one month challenge full of strenuous exercise! .... A Fanny Attack!!!
I am doing a 100 miles of exercise in one month challenge.
If you do the calculations (100 / 31 days= 3.22 miles per day).... I will obviously want to take a break on Sundays so this comes out to be about 4 miles, six days a week!
Can it be done....
So far:
Monday: 3 mile run, 1 mile eliptical
Tuesday: 3 mile run, 1 mile eliptical
Wednesday: 3 mile run, 1 mile eliptical
Thursday: 4 mile run
I think I can, I think I can