Sunday, September 13, 2009

More Smores Please!

This past weekend we enjoyed with some of our VERY FAVORITE PEOPLE! On friday, we went with the Harts and roasted some dogs over a campfire... followed by smores... of course.
Honestly do not know if it gets any better than this!
Jordan found his new trade in life.
Handcrafting roasting sticks.

Melissa, Heather, and the orb of tom.

Jordan had these in his hand the ENTIRE time!

Still holding his chips

I wish I knew...

We love you guys!!!!

Chris workin the barbeque!

Cole Workin the ball

Me working my (hat)!

Lisa just working it......

Josh trying to prove he will be a good dad.
I love their twinner expressions! I think they practiced.

Who knew a barbeque makes marshmallows PERFECTLY toasted!?

The Group from Above

Memo to Josh: Do not lick the fork right after roasting.

Holla Back Ya'll!

Is that where it ended up!? :(

Thanks for telling us ten minutes later that we just learned how to feed ourselves!

Props to Karen! Peanut Butter+graham cracker+marshmallow= PERFECTION!

The Wives


I made this hat all by myself before church this morning!

1 comment:

Jordan and Heather Hart said...

Oh my gosh! I laughed hysterically when I read the orb of Tom! ha ha. I have no idea why that was so funny but everyone thought so. Anyway, that was SO much fun! What a perfect place to roast dogs and s'mores. Let's go back eh?
Also, I'm seriously going to talk to my aunt this week or next about the murder mystery dinner in October. I can't wait!!!