Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Babababa Benny and the Jets...

This weekend we are headed off to the Viva Las Vegas to see Elton John, The Red Piano, in concert... courtesy of me and some other very special people! Josh got a special surprise present for his birthday in December, to see his "other lover" in concert. He has always wanted to see him in person singing "Yellowbrick Road" or "Benny and the Jets." Yay! We are going to try and fly on buddy passes (STANDBY) which is always a risk, but we are up for the challenge. I will report back to base with some great pictures of josh in his elated state of euphoria!

Can I just say that I love this time of year. I have always loved valentines, not just for the flowers, chocolates, kisses, cookies,valentines cards, balloons, hugs, hearts, or candy, but for the feeling in the air. I think that it is such a LOVELY holiday! I am currently working at the Odyssey House in the Children's services area. I work with kids and we get to do lots of art projects, just like I did 15 years ago. It brings back all of the fun memories of the excitement of making a big red hart and having the teacher hang it up on the wall for everyone to see. Or staying up til 12 AM getting my valentines just perfect so I could take it to school the next day and pass out Valentines! I also love the smell of a freshly opened bag of candy hearts! There is nothin better, especially the purple ones.

1 comment:

Diane Dimond said...

I agree. Valentines day is wonderful. Colby said he saw you on campus and he was so excited to see you. So when you get back it is up to us wifey's to plan an activity. Have fun with Elton John. Hopefully he sings Tiny Dancer. Best song ever.