My favorite part of the trip... the bikes! Mine had a bell... that I DID USE!
Wow... Best story of the trip. On our long bike journey, we both had to use the potty, but found ourselves more than anxious. This is Josh triumphantly coming out of the bathroom. Notice what is on the ground and would have been left if we had not taken this picture.
Low and behold it was the wallet. If any of you know Josh, you know that he is KING for losing things and leaving things around. This would not have been the best thing to leave next to the public pooper.
Santa Monica. We rode our bikes for two hours to get here!
In traffic...
Dusk: Still in Traffic
Dark:Three hours later... still in traffic ...
So Josh and I went to Disneyland over UEA weekend. For those unfamiliar with UEA, it is when all of utah travels to southern california for the weekend. It so happened to be "Gay Day" as well in Disneyland. Can you just imagine the crowds? Everyone that was there for Gay Day wore red. This is just one snapshot from Gay Day at Disneyland!!
This is what happens to your phone after you go on splash....
Magic. Candy Corn Land
In the interest of making our trip cheap, we stayed at the Econolodge. Upon arrival, I discovered that they would pride themselves on "Spa Suites"