Saturday, April 24, 2010


The Pool!
Karen trying to catch some more rays in the car on our way to Vegas!

Spring is definately one of my favorite times of the year. I just LOVE to see all of the flowers blooming and everything becoming more colorful!
The Bellagio
The girls!

Chris and Karen
We love you guys so much!!!!
This shot was particuarly trick since we were on an escalator!
Taking the train

These stairs were so beautiful. Those two words don't really go together in sentences, but they were colorful and intriguing.
Examining the sculpture. This is what we came up with... A fetus in the womb.
Go figure?
Trying to acheive "the pose"

Take 30/47
This was take 42/47. We had to get the perfect waterfall shot!
While in Vegas, we were able to go see the Lion King! It was amazing! The costumes and music were spectacular. We really wanted a picture in front of the Lion King sign, so we asked this lady to take a picture for us... Needless to say, we did not get our picture by the lion king sign.
"The best part about Vegas is you can break wind and no one knows it's you."
-Joshua Shaw
Perfect warm sunny day!
The view from our condo. Thanks Aunt Dee Dee
On the ride home, Josh and I got to be the kids in the back seat. We ate candy and watched a movie.


Jordan and Heather Hart said...

I had no idea you went to Vegas but it looks like you had a BLAST!!! Tell Josh that Hot Wally's is like Vegas in that you can break wind and no one suspects it's you. haha

Karen said...

I am so glad you posted these! Thanks for taking all the pictures! love you both like CRAZY!!
p.s I'm stealing them for my blog maybe even your comments cause they are so funny!!